The Mysterious Cause of Your iPhone Charging Issues
Are your iPhone charging issues stressing you out?
Apple Pie Repair iPhone Charging Issues Pocket Lint
We've all been there; your phone suddenly won't charge for reasons unknown to you. You are doing everything short of bending over backwards to get the charger and your phone to work together in perfect harmony. They were best friends yesterday, practically inseparable, but today is another story. You bunch up the cord, no response. You swivel left. You swivel right. Still nothing.I know what you're thinking (that charging cord is junk!), and you might be right. You may also be thinking that the charging port is the problem which is also a possibility. In our experience though, about 87.5% of the time (especially in the case of iPhone charging issues), the issue is simply...Are you ready for this?...Pocket lint!Yes, you read that right. Those fabric-y (yes, I'm making up words!) fibers are wreaking havoc on your phone...or its charging port anyway.
Here are some signs that pocket lint may be your issue:
The charger doesn't fit into the charging port like it used to.
Your charging port looks dark in color. They started out white on the inside so this is a huge indicator.
I know this may seem silly, but sign number three is that you can visibly see pocket lint.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that your pocket lint may not appear as comically large as ours and may not even be noticeable to the naked eye.
So, what do you do if pocket lint is plaguing your phone?
First, let me say, do NOT try to get it out yourself! I can not stress this enough! Do NOT dig into your charging port with tweezers, knives or any other sharp objects unless you are a trained professional. Doing this can cause you more harm than good and could lead to needing to replace your charging port for sixty dollars, when your fix would have been free for the lint removal.In short, please bring your devices to us at Apple Pie Repair if you suspect charging issues of any kind. We will diagnose free of charge. If it is only lint removal that is needed, we will also take care of that for you. If it does happen to be a charging port issue, we have completed thousands of charging port replacements and are here to help you with that as well.Photos courtesy of Matthew Valentin of Apple Pie Repair & Apple Pie Media.